Thursday, April 12, 2012

Writing Assessment

Writing assessment will be a large part of my summative assessment because I believe it is important for students to have practice with writing.  Throughout the unit, students will be required to keep journals that reflect on what we are reading.  These journals will help them to build their confidence in writing and make their summative assessment easier.

The options for summative assessment all include writing, but give options for students to write in different ways.  For example, students will be given the option of rewriting or "transforming" an original text (a creative but more formatted approach), or writing a skit that transforms a text (a skit allows students to have more fun with their writing because they are able to become the characters that they create).

The idea is to get students to realize that writing can exist in more than one format and that it can be fun.


  1. I really love this idea, and the journals are a smart way to integrate formative & summative assessment. The trickiest aspect might be in figuring out how to evaluate these text transformations. They will be creative assignments: so the benchmarks in the standards have some suggestions. But make sure that you also consider how to incorporate the relationship between the original text and the new text into your criteria. Looking forward to the draft assessment.

  2. These are great ideas. Giving students the opportunity to freewrite will give them practice and incentives to be creative. I think they would really enjoy that. I really like your summative assessment as well. Linking classic texts to their transformed texts would be a nice change of pace from expository papers.
